Welcome to Main Street Eye Care. At our Royal Oak optometry practice, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive, friendly and compassionate eye care to our patients. We believe that clear, comfortable vision is your right and our priority. We offer a full range of vision care services including complete eye health evaluations, contact lens exams and fittings, the finest & most unique styles of designer frames and sunglasses for adults and children. Our friendly and professional staff is here to help you and provide genuine customer service. With that in mind. we will supply you with the most up-to-date information regarding all aspects of your vision and preventative eye health and answer any questions you might have. Our greatest satisfaction comes from improving your vision and enhancing your quality of life.
Whether you require a complete eye health evaluation or need a new pair of eyeglasses, we invite you to come to our practice and receive the quality attention that you deserve. We are committed to excellence in serving your family's complete eye care needs.
TearCare® - TearCare is a relatively new method of treatment for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Blepharitis. It is a wearable eyelid technology device that administers gentle heat directly to the meibomian glands to liquefy the meibum, remove blockages and stimulate tear production.
New eyewear - We have recently added Gucci, Tiffany, and Ferrari brand eyewear to our ever-expanding selection!